Impacts of irrigation development on water quality in the San Salvador watershed (Part 2)

Implementation of scenarios in SWAT




sustainable agriculture, water quality, supplementary irrigation, SWAT


Intensive agricultural activities pose a significant threat to water quality as critical non-point sources of pollution. Effective mitigation strategies demand understanding the causes and processes of water pollution. This study aimed to quantify the impacts of irrigation development on water quality and assess best management practices for sustainable agriculture intensification. Employing the calibrated SWAT model for the San Salvador watershed (baseline scenario), two scenarios were implemented and evaluated: the first one depicted irrigation development from a future reservoir, and the second integrated riparian buffer zones to minimize nutrient and sediment losses. Notably the baseline scenario did not achieve nutrient water quality objectives. Results revealed that irrigation development increases nutrient yields, driving the future reservoir toward eutrophication. Implementing riparian buffer zones reduced nutrient loss, but additional measures are necessary for sustainable environmental goals at the basin scale. This research contributes with valuable insights for formulating effective management strategies to minimize nutrient pollution in water and safeguard water quality and biodiversity in the basin.


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How to Cite

Hastings F, Pérez-Bidegain M, Navas R, Gorgoglione A. Impacts of irrigation development on water quality in the San Salvador watershed (Part 2): Implementation of scenarios in SWAT. Agrocienc Urug [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 4];27(NE1):e1199. Available from:



Water quality and environmental sustainability
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