First report of root and crown rot caused by Dactylonectria novozelandica on strawberry in Uruguay




Cylindrocarpon spp., pathogenicity test, Histone


Since 2015, a high mortality rate of strawberry plants has been observed in the north of Uruguay related to crown and root diseases caused by a pathogens complex. In 2016, associated with the death of plants, Cylindrocarpon spp. was isolated with a frequency of 42.4 %, ranking third, preceded by Neopestalotiopsis sp. and Fusarium spp. Aiming to increase the knowledge of the pathogens that integrate the complex, three isolates of Cylindrocarpon spp. were characterized by molecular, morphological and pathogenicity analyses in strawberry plants. Dactylonectria novozelandica was identified as causal agent of crown and root necrosis of strawberry in Salto, Uruguay.


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How to Cite

Vigliecca M, González P, Machín A, Vicente E, Silvera E. First report of root and crown rot caused by Dactylonectria novozelandica on strawberry in Uruguay. Agrocienc Urug [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 12 [cited 2024 Jul. 4];26(2):e962. Available from:



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