Family Production in the Northeastern Region of Uruguay

a view from the rural territory




territory, agribusiness, family production


In the Northeast Region of Uruguay, the territorial expansion of agribusiness through soybean monoculture and forestry is intensifying, causing important changes in the productive, social and landscape base. The aim of this paper is to describe quantitatively and qualitatively the changes in land use, the recent transformations in the agrarian territories of the region, and to identify the impacts of these processes on the migration of family farmers and their families from the agrarian to the urban space. For its development, a bibliographic, documentary and statistical data review was carried out, together with the analysis of the territory through the use of satellite images and field work with interviews with more than 500 family farmers. The results show that monocultures linked to agribusiness have modified the agrarian structure and land use, with increasing pressure on the land, what threatens the presence of family producers.


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How to Cite

Childe R, Achkar M, Freitas G. Family Production in the Northeastern Region of Uruguay: a view from the rural territory. Agrocienc Urug [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 11 [cited 2024 Jul. 4];26(NE3):e963. Available from:



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