Nitrogen fertilization strategies for center-pivot irrigated maize crop




corn, fertilization, nitrogen, irrigation, dosage


In the last 15 years, there has been an expansion of the use of center-pivots for irrigation in Uruguay. This equipment allows the application of diluted fertilizer in the irrigation water. The study aimed to generate information on fertilization strategies with nitrogen (N) in irrigated maize crops. A study was performed where five treatments were evaluated: T0, without additional nitrogen fertilization to the basal sowing fertilization; C0, cover fertilization with 150 Kg N ha-1 split in three (V3) and seven leaves (V7); F1, idem “C0” but with liquid fertilizer in water; F2, 150 Kg N ha-1 as liquid fertilizer in water split weekly from V3 to reproductive stage (R1); F3, idem "F2" but with 225 Kg N ha-1. Irrigation was done according to water balance and the soil moisture was measured with an FDR probe. The N plant level and biomass were evaluated in states V3, V6, R1 and physiological maturity (R6). The grain yield was determined at harvest. The correlation between the color values and Color Index (InCol) was analyzed in R1 using aerial photography and software, with: % N; biomass; Nitrogen Sufficiency Index (NSI); and grain yield (kg ha-1). The yield was higher in the treatment with the highest N dose, with no significant differences. No differences were found between the sources of N (sulfur urea and Fertec®) for the evaluated variables. A high correlation was obtained between the colors and the InCol and the cultivation variables.


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How to Cite

Ernst JM, Beretta A, Barbazán MM, Puppo L. Nitrogen fertilization strategies for center-pivot irrigated maize crop. Agrocienc Urug [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 26 [cited 2024 Jul. 4];25(2):e412. Available from:



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