Wood production and financial return in two silvopastoral systems





silvopastoral system, cattle raising, productive integration, cellulose, Uruguay


Silvopastoral systems combine forestry and livestock activities, establishing productive and economic interactions that must be known in order to project their viability in the medium to long term. Important aspects of these systems are spacing arrangement, wood production and economic return. The present study was carried out on a farm with commercial forestry and aimed at evaluating wood production and its financial return in two silvopastoral systems of Eucalyptus globulus: Conventional Forestry System (CFS) in a plantation arrangement of 3.5×2.7 m, and Silvopastoral System (SSRA) (2×2)+8 m of alley. Each system was evaluated in three strata, at age 68 months. No differences (p> 0.05) were found for Survival (S), Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), Height (H), and Dominant Height (DH) between CFS and SSRA values. However, both systems differed (p <0.05) in wood production values (m3/ha) at age 68 months: CFS produced 83.7 m3/ha, while SSRA produced 60 m3/ha. Optimal technical rotations estimated were 12 and 13 years for CFS and SSRA, respectively. The Equivalent Annual Income (EAI) was 140 and 141 US$/ha/year for CFS and SSRA, respectively. However, SSRA requires a lower plantation investment and provides greater liquidity throughout the rotation. Forestry systems can be designed in ways that allow greater spatial integration of livestock, becoming more complementary systems.


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How to Cite

Boscana M, Bussoni A, Bentancur O. Wood production and financial return in two silvopastoral systems. Agrocienc Urug [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 4];27:e793. Available from: http://mail.revista.asocolderma.org.co/index.php/agrociencia/article/view/793



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