Season of the year, the feeding and productive environment

effect on the content of casein in milk




casein, concentrated, nutrition, pastures, production systems


A study was carried out to determine the casein variation in milk along the year with season and herd feeding strategy as main source of variation. Monthly samples were taken from 30 dairy farms that sent milk to PILI SA (15 farms) and CLALDY SA (15 farms) during April 2012 - March 2013. A mixed model and a recursive partition of variance method were used. The protein content in milk was higher in autumn, and the casein content in milk was higher in autumn and winter probably due to the higher use of energy concentrated supplements with better synchronization with the protein contribution from pastures. It was possible to maintain high levels of casein content and a casein:true protein ratio in milk during spring with almost exclusively pastoral diets. Overall, the proportion of casein in relation to the total protein and the casein in relation to true protein in milk did not reach the values ​​reported in the literature with more concentrated diets.


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How to Cite

Colzada E, Bentancur O, Grille L, Carro S, Escobar D, Pelaggio R, et al. Season of the year, the feeding and productive environment: effect on the content of casein in milk. Agrocienc Urug [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 4];25(1):e99. Available from:



Animal production and pastures
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